Broken beer can -- after the needle malfunction

Super Bowl Sunday - meltdown (but only sorta - not really)
Well today is (unofficial) day 4 - this is because we are not at school - but that is okay. Today started out lovely, the sun was shining there was no more rain it was the morning of the super bowl, and all was good. So we decided to attach the displacer top to the displacer bottom- and what a mistake that was. It started out great - we made sure we used JB Welds and that it was on the inside of it, but then the problems started. No, there were no major injuries, but the needle was tilted! So we decided to try and move the displacer top ever so slightly to level it, but it was too late the JB Welds was to strong and well it was just not going to budge. So then Peter came up the the ingenious idea of moving the needle. Well - what seemed like a good idea at the time ended up being a recipe for disaster. The needle broke, and when I say broke - i literally mean snapped in half.
So we decided to re-do the displacer tomorrow in class. So then we continued on to shave/file down the PVC pipe (I just found out that this is what it is called - and now I am really excited) any how, that was not the point of that sentence- the point was we sanded it down and it looks beautiful - well as beautiful as a PVC pipe can look. We are planning on JB Welding/RTVing (that reminds me of ATVs - which i mistakenly called RTVs oopsie daisy) - we will do that tomorrow - i think.
Next and most importantly of the day - we drilled the hole into the steel slim fast can with out denting or deforming it. And on top of that we sanded it down so there where no shards sticking out to possible rupture the displacer - if we ever get that fixed. Over all that was perhaps the second most exciting part of the day - the first still being i now know what the pipe is officially called.
Happy Super Bowl Day!
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