Well day 5/6 are now combined into one blog entry sorry for any inconvience this may cause you, who ever you are. Anyhow yesterday we found that we had left the RTV at school which is still lost in the physics lab/room and we have given up all hope of recovering it. So today we decided that we would swoop/barrow Mikes. Thank you Mike. So yesterday we used JB welds to attach the top to the can and seel it off - and then today covered the enitre thing with RTV - which is really really really really really sticky - and is now all over my hands - hence the title of this entery.
We also made the crankshaft arms yesterday and I, Haley, was able to use the power tools. This was quite and exciting momnet because no one in their right mind has ever trusted me with power tools before - big mistake on their part, because I discovered that it is actually one of my new talents. So I drilled two holes into the metal slim fast cans and did not injury ANYONE. This is kind of a big deal, seeing how accident prone I am. Then we attached the balloon - which we deattached today and super glued - not our brightested idea - and it just may fail us miserably - but we always have a backup ballon just incase we have to disembody the superglued one.
Ohhh, I almost forgot we RTVed all of the stirling engine so illuminate all leeks - i hope and now we are waiting for it to dry. Ciao.
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